The historical Illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt, had the following goals:

1. Enlightenment: Promote critical thinking, reason, and education to combat superstition and ignorance.
2. Progress: Advance social and political reform, advocating for human rights and equality.
3. Liberty: Support individual freedom, democracy, and the separation of church and state.
4. Philanthropy: Improve human welfare, promote science, and support the arts.
5. Secret Society: Operate as a mysterious, exclusive organization to attract like-minded individuals.

Some modern, hypothetical, or interpretative goals associated with the Illuminati include:

1. Global unity: Unite humanity under a single, enlightened government.
2. Spiritual evolution: Guide humanity toward spiritual awakening and higher consciousness.
3. Knowledge sharing: Collect and disseminate ancient, esoteric, or forbidden knowledge.
4. Power and influence: Seek control or influence over world events, governments, or economies.
5. New World Order: Establish a new, harmonious world order, free from conflict and inequality.

Our Goals